Amatör Telsizcilik: Hazırlık

by Erkan Alkanat



Preparation for the Amateur Radio exam with the Amateur Radio mobile application.With the Amateur Radio question bank, you can prepare for the Amateur Radio exam and measure your progress by creating practice exams, you can measure the bird flight distance with the help of Compass and GPS Range Finder, you can calculate your direction, you can compare the local time and UTC time with the UTC clock tool, you can use the morse code converter with morse codes. You can learn and send Morse code using your phones flash and voice, you can learn International Phonetic alphabet pronunciations with phonetic alphabet converter and see Turkish equivalents. All these useful Amateur Radio tools are available for free in the Amateur Radio iOS and Android apps.What Does the Amateur Radio Mobile Application Include;What Does the Amateur Radio Mobile Application Include;* Free compass tool* Free distance meter* Free UTC time and Local time comparison tool* Its easy to learn Morse codes from your phone with the free morse code tool* Study morse code with vibration* Study morse code with audio* Study morse code with flash on your phone* Free Turkish and English phonetic alphabet tool* List of the most used Q codes for free amateur radio operators to know* Possibility to study online on the free Amateur Radio question bank* A-B class national and international regulations online question bank* A-B class technical online question bank* A-B class business online question bank* C-class national and international regulations online question bank* C-class technical online question bank* C-class business online question bank* Create 2 free Amateur Radio practice exams (class A-B or C)* Eye-friendly interface with dark theme support